Storage Intake Screw Conveyor
CASE STUDY - Storage Intake Screw Conveyor (value $110,000)
Large egg supplier in SE Queensland
Install 500 mm diameter x 20 metre long silo intake screw conveyor
- Obtain customers initial requirements including capacity required now and in the future
- Compare options of drag and screw conveyor styles for the application
- Carry out costings for the options and determine the best option for the customer
- Supply quotation
- Determine the size and power requirements for the conveyor
- Design the support structure, screw conveyor and associated components required for the project
- This project needed to be constructed around existing silos, equipment and buildings and the layout was a critical part of the success of the project
- Installation needed to be done around normal feed mill production
- To achieve the successful completion of this job it was necessary to communicate with the customer and contractors
- Breakdowns minimal with the new system
- Increase capacity means faster unloading of transports
- Future increase in capacity can be met now without alterations